The successful AWWF Youth on the Allagash (YOTA) trips were expanded in 2023 to include an Advanced Leadership Wilderness Trip. Guided by Canoe the Wild, the leadership trip was a fully outfitted multi‐day paddling and camping trip for high school students from the St. John Valley. Priority was given to...
Read moreAn excellent article on The Telos Cut was written by Elizabeth Bennett and published in the Memories of Maine Magazine Winter 2022 edition. Excerpt: In the 1840s, the need to drive logs down the Penobscot River and into Bangor was so strong it motivated wheeling and dealing, sparked violence, pushed innovation,...
Read moreJordan Parks has a deep passion for creating art that she describes as inseparable from her being. For as long as she can remember, art has been a form of expression for Jordan. But it was not until middle school, at ten years of age, when she received an award...
Read moreStarting in 2016, Youth on the Allagash has connected middle school students in the St. John Valley with multi-faceted Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), project-based, learning units for a new generation of environmental stewards informed about the causes, impacts, and responses to climate change. The initiative also...
Read moreThis article was written by Matt LaRoche and first appeared in the January edition of the Northwoods Sporting Journal. Did you ever notice that some ice anglers seem to be luckier than others? I think you will find that these “lucky” fishermen have one thing in common - they are always...
Read moreAWWF President, Bob McIntosh, visits North Maine Woods, Inc offices in Ashland ME to congratulate Al Cowperthwaite on his pending retirement and to meet the incoming Executive Director, Tom Pelletier. Dear Al, I write on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway Foundation, the “Friends of the Allagash,”...
Read moreOn Sunday, April 11, 2021, AWWF President Bob McIntosh and Board Member Jenny Ward presented Matt and Ruth LaRoche a Resolution adopted by the AWWF Board of Directors on the occasion of Matt’s recent retirement as Superintendent of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. From left: Jenny Ward, Bob McIntosh, Matt LaRoche, Ruth LaRoche...
Read moreBy: Kevin Brown, Chief Ranger of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway “You have the best job in the world,” the paddlers would tell me as we chatted on a flat calm Eagle Lake in the middle of August. “How do you get a job like this?” they would ask. As I motored slowly...
Read moreThe Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) recently installed new fire tower cabs on Allagash, Round Pond (T13 R12) and Deboullie Mountains. These projects have been in the planning stages for many years. I personally had wondered if it would actually happen in my lifetime. It seemed as though every...
Read moreFall fishing can be feast or famine depending on several factors. The most significant influences on stream and river fishing in the fall are water temperature and volume. Trout and salmon will usually gravitate towards the inlet of a lake or pond in the fall when the water starts to...
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